Hong kong company registry

Hong kong company registry

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A gateway to explore business opportunities in Mainland China and Asia. Discover amazing hotel and resort options. It should be a physical or virtual address for postal service of important government communication or verification purpose. To print the whole chapter in HTML, please click at the bottom of the TOC panel and then click.

Hong kong company registry

Please set the page orientation to “Landscape” for printing of bilingual texts on a single page. A brand-new limited company can be set up within a couple of hours. Business Registration Certificates for Years.

Identification Requirements You will need the passport of whoever owns the corporation, along with proof of residency identification, like a driver’s license. Apart from the annual return that needs to be filed every year, there are other company renewals and requirements for the company that has to be fulfilled as well on a yearly basis or within a time period. See "Supervisory Policy Manual SB-Supervision of regulated activities of SFC-registered authorized.

For the NARform i. Enter the company number and the company name. Before applying to register a trade mark it is necessary to find out if someone else has already registered or has applied to register the same or similar trade mark. HONG KONG COMPANY LIST. The best places to stay.

It is one of the freest economies in the world and a gateway to investing in China. Hong Kong Domain Registration. Easy Application Any application for company incorporation will include a simultaneous application for business registration.

How to Apply There are three ways to submit you application – either online via the 24-hour portal e- Registry, via the “CR eFiling” mobile application which can be downloaded free of charge, or by delivering the documents in hard copy to the CR with the correct fees. Unlike a private limited company, a sole proprietorship does not offer protection of personal assets and limited liability to its owner.

Our handpicked guide. IRD issues Tax Return filing notifications to companies on the 1st of April every year. Call, Email, or Drop In for a Free Consultation If you have any questions about business entities, company incorporation, legal and tax aspects of companies, you can drop in our office for a free non-obligatory consultation.

At Hawksford we’ll give you the answers and support your business growth. Directors can be a person or a company, and they can be any nationality. Companies Registry.


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