

Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una. Wechseln Sie zur neuen Oberfläche. Find out if your invention is unique or if other inventors have filed patent applications that are considered to be prior art. Espacenet : free access to the database of over 1million.


Why not move to the new interface and get started right away? It contains data on more than 1million patent documents from around the world. For automated data retrieval, please.

The Smart search mask combines multiple functions into a single, easy-to-use search field so that you can enter your queries with or without field identifiers. You have the following search options: Smart search combines multiple functions in a single, easy-to-use search field. You can perform searches in the worldwide database.

Just type in your terms, and the search engine will try to "guess" what you mean. En del av de äldsta dokumenten är inte sökbara med bibliografiska data, men de kan sökas med hjälp av publiceringsnumren. Octrooicentrum Nederlan onderdeel van Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederlan biedt u hier online toegang tot ruim 1miljoen octrooipublicaties uit meer dan landen.

Dostopen je začetnikom in naprednim uporabnikom in vsebuje več kot 1milijonov patentnih dokumentov z vsega sveta. Un resultado nulo en espacenet de búsqueda, por ejemplo, no debe interpretarse como la libertad de acción. Decisiones críticas para el negocio, ó las decisiones financieras no deben en absoluto estar basadas en los resultados de las búsquedas en espacenet.

The document has moved here. De gegevens van de Belgische octrooien worden geproduceerd door de Belgische Dienst voor de Intellectuele Eigendom (DIE). The claims are the part of the patent which define the scope of the legal protection sought for the invention.

Most independent claims consist of two parts: the prior art portion and the characterising portion. This is the case in records for which the priority country code and date are known and recorded but the original number is not. A list of worldwide legal status codes, contents and coverage can be found in the Useful tables and statistics, coverage and content section on the EPO’s website.

Drawings illustrate the technical details of the invention. The speed with which documents are loaded varies considerably from country to country. Documentation relating to countries for which the PCT minimum documentation is held is usually loaded during the week following the publication date, as the EPO database is updated once a week and most patent offices publish their patent applications once a week.

Как мне вернуться к оглавлению справочной системы? Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. The moderators will use this space to announce changes or other relevant information. Patent Translate service goes live!

Está abierto tanto para principiantes como para expertos. Contiene datos sobre más de millones de documentos de patentes de todo el mundo. Notre but premier est d’offrir une solution au problème d’accessibilité internet aux résidents des régions rurales.

Au sein de notre entreprise, la relation client est prioritaire, c’est ce qui nous différencie des autres joueurs en télécommunication. Where do I find ideas for new products and technical solutions? What do we and the world know already?

Which solution should be developed further? Con otro tanto de paciencia, obtengo la siguiente tabla. Our first priority is to fix the bugs you have identified.

We will also analyse each suggestion individually for possible future implementation, taking into account the number of user requests, feasibility and resources required.


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