Canadian trademark office

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A trademark can protect a combination of words, sounds or designs used to distinguish your goods or services from those of others in the marketplace. Learn about, search or apply for registration.

We have added a feature to help you to conduct searches simultaneously in English and French. This will enable you to use more terms in your search query and will provide you with a longer list of.

Lowest Rates Guaranteed. Get Info From Multiple Sources. North America) Tel. Fast and economical. You will receive confirmation of filing and a copy of the filing request. Best Boutique, Small Luxury Hotels. Canadian patents search. Miltons IP Allstate Parkway, Suite 6Markham, ON L3R 5B4. Our lawyers and trademark specialists file hundreds of trademark every year. Report a problem or mistake on this page.

There are separate trademark application forms for agents as well as printable forms if you prefer to fill out the application and send it in. Filing a trademark protects your intellectual property by guarding your brand name, slogan, logo or unique symbol from being used without your permission. CIPO offers separate online trademark application forms for individual applicants and agents. Obtaining an international trademark is an effective way to protect your brand.

As soon as your trademark is file we will send you a filing report that will include the application number and date, plus a scanned copy of the filed trademark application. Entcounsel is a law firm for creatives and entrepreneurs in the areas of social media law, technology, entertainment, copyright and trademarks. Trademark Application Process.

Some fees in the national phase are reduced for applicants who qualify as small entities. Special requirements of the Office (PCT Rule 51bis): The name and postal address of each inventor. The entire process takes approximately ten to twelve (12) to eighteen (18) months, unless there are opposition proceedings, in which case the process can be much longer. Federal laws of canada.

Notes : See coming into force provision and notes, where applicable. Shaded provisions are not in force. GERENT - Global IP Services - We provide cost-effective solutions for our clients’ trademark, copyright and domain name dispute related needs. Free trademark search tool in Brazil.

If your trademark is available, our Brazilian attorneys will file and process your trademark registration in Brazil. Our regular service speed for all packages is 5-business days from receipt your order and payment, to filing.

Importation and Exportation.


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